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Springfield NH Land  for sale $195,750
$195,750 Springfield NH Land Acres 29.74

2.47 Acre Lot in Springfield, NH: Prime Location on Main Road! Seize the opportunity to own a picturesque 2.47-acre wooded lot in beautiful Springfield, NH. Situated conveniently on a main road, this parcel offers ease of access while still providing ample privacy and a serene setting. Perfect for building your dream home, a weekend getaway, or holding as a long-term investment. Discover the beauty and potential of this untouched canvas! 27 Acre Lot in Springfield, NH: Experience ultimate seclusion and boundless natural beauty on this expansive 27-acre wooded lot. Surrounded by state land on two sides, enjoy a unique sense of privacy and connection with nature. Moose, Whitetail Deer, Black Bear, Ruffed Grouse, Snowshoe Hare, Woodcock, Etc... Pick your own blueberries from over a hundred wild blueberry bushes! Accessed by a well-maintained Class VI road, the property also boasts direct access to marshlands on the northern border -- an ideal backdrop for an outdoors enthusiast or conservation-minded individual. Imagine your estate nestled in these woods, where tranquility is your nearest neighbor. Don't miss out on this gem!


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